Pandunia–English word list
This word list consists of words in Pandunia and their translations to English. The list is arranged in the alphabetical order by Pandunia base words.
Each dictionary entry consists of a word or compound word in Pandunia and its translation to English. There is only one translation when the meaning of the word and the meaning of its English translation are almost or completely the same.
aple - apple
arane - spider
When the Pandunia word can be translated in more than one way, the most general or the most common translation is first and it is followed by alternative translations inside parenthesis.
serpe n snake (serpent)
There can be two or more entries for the same headword for different word classes.
plis int please plis v ask (request, beg, plead)
a prep by (at, in, on)
a dura of prep during (while, for the duration of)
a mid of prep between (amid, among)
a plas of pp instead of
a sabab of prep because
Abazia pn Abkhazia
Abu Zabi pn Abu Dhabi
achi int achoo
achi v sneeze
acinium n actinium
ade v add
adik a extra (additional)
ada v be used to (do repeatedly)
ada n habit (custom)
adatik a ordinary (customary, habitual, normal)
adil a just (fair, righteous)
adilita n justice
adres n address
Afganistan pn Afghanistan
Afrika pn Africa
agre v cultivate (farm)
agral a agricultural
agrekultur n agriculture
agrestan n countryside
agrestanik a rural (rustic)
agrer n farmer
agrer n farmer
agrobiolojia n agrobiology
agronomer n agronomist
agronomia n agronomy
aha int aha
aha v realize (understand)
ai int ouch (expressing pain, distress, shock and fear)
ain n eye
ain sui n tear drop
ain sui gas n tear gas
air n air
airporte n airport (aeroport)
akar n tick (mite)
akasia n acacia
akrabe n scorpion (Scorpio)
ale a other
alia n others (anything else)
alian n alien
alifa v change (make different)
alofone n allophone
altre n other (alter)
altre v alter
altrisme n altruism
Alaska pn Alaska
alergia n allergy
alge v pain (distress, grief, woe)
• analgiv a painkiller
algesia n algesia (sensitivity to pain)
• analgesia n analgesia
algik a painful
algogenik a algogenic (inducing pain)
algometria n algometry (measurement of pain)
alga n alga
algalojia n algology
alkan n alkane
alken n alkene
alkil n alkyl
alkin n alkyne
alkol n alcohol
alkol fri a alcohol-free
alkol mixur n cocktail
alkolik a alcoholic
alkolisme n alcoholism
alkoliste n alcoholic (person addicted to alcohol)
almari n cupboard (closet, cabinet, wardrobe)
alpaka n alpaca
alumin n aluminium
ame v love (be in love with)
ame n love (strong affection)
• aname v dislike (loathe)
• anamik n enemy
amater n amateur
amebil a lovable (lovely)
amer n lover
amik a dear (beloved)
amiv a loving (fond)
amuros a amorous
ama conj but (rather)
amen a certain (definite, sure, secure, free from doubt)
amen int amen
amen v trust (be certain or sure of)
Amerikan Samoa pn American Samoa
amerikium n americium
Amerika pn America (continent)
amerikan futbol n football (American football)
amide n amide
amin n amine
amir v order (command)
amiria n emirate
ampere n ampere (amp)
ananas n pineapple
anchovi n anchovy
Andes pn Andes
andesite n andesite
Andora pn Andorra
angar n anchor
Angola pn Angola
anime n soul (life spirit)
animate v animate
• reanimate v reanimate
animation n animation (animating)
animisme n animism
anis n anise
anjil n message
anshi n hint (clue, implication, tip)
Antartika pn Antarctica
antena n antenna (aerial)
antibiotik n antibiotic
Antigua pn Antigua
Antigua e Barbuda pn Antigua and Barbuda
anus n anus
anusik a anal
apin n opium
aple n apple
aple sos n applesauce
apse n abscess (boil)
arabe n Arabia (Arab; Arabic)
arab babul n babul tree (thorny acacia)
arak n liquor
arane n spider
aranefobia n arachnophobia
aranide n arachnide
aranja n orange (fruit)
aranja brun a orange (orange-colored)
arbe n tree
arbul n bush (shrub)
arbuz n watermelon
Archah pn Artsakh
arde n ground (earth, soil)
arde kable n grounding cable
argente n silver
Argentina pn Argentina
argon n argon
arhe v rule (lead)
• anarhia n anarchy
• anarhiste n anarchist
• monarhia n monarchy
arher n leader
arhia n leadership
Ariel pn Ariel
arka n bow (arch, arc)
arsenium n arsenic
arte n art
artaje n art work
arte bash n artistic language (artlang)
artefat n artifact (artefact)
artefatik a artificial
artefatik bash n artificial language (conlang)
artiste n artist
Artika pn Arctic
Aruba pn Aruba
asian n Asian
asha v hope (wish)
• anasha v despair
• anashatik a hopeless
Ashur pn Assur
Ashuria pn Assyria
Asia pn Asia
asle a origin (source)
aslik a original (authentic)
asma n asthma
asmatik a asthmatic
astatin n astatine
astre n celestial body
• dusastre n disaster
astral a astral (starry)
astronave n starship
astronaver n astronaut
astronomer n astronomer
astronomia n astronomy
ate v act (deed)
• deativ v deactivate (disable, turn off)
• deativ a off (deactivated, disabled, inactive)
• dusate v misdeed (sin, vice)
• interate v interact
• interativ a interactive
• proate v proact (act in advance)
• proativ a proactive
• reate v react
• reation n reaction
ater n agent (doer, actor)
ation n action
atite a done
ativ v activate (enable, turn on, trigger)
ativ a active (working)
ata n sugar-apple (sweetsop)
Athina pn Athens
atom n atom
atom bomba n atomic bomb
audi v hear (listen)
auditik a auditory
auge v augment (increase, rise; boom, peak, apex, acme, zenith, heyday)
aure n gold
Australia pn Australia
aute n self (identity)
autatik a automatic (self-acting)
auter n author (auteur, independent actor)
autiv a selfish
autokratia n autocracy
autonomia n autonomy
autonomik a autonomous (self-governing)
aven n oat
avokado n avocado
axe n axis (axle)
aya n maid (nanny, ayah)
Azeria pn Azerbaijan
bab n chapter (section)
Babil pn Babylon (Babel)
Babilia pn Babylonia
babush n slipper (pantofle)
bacheler n bachelor (bachelor’s degree)
bad a bad (not good)
badam n almond
bage n bag
bagaje n luggage (baggage)
bagre n tiger
baha'isme n Baha'ism
baha'iste n Baha'ist
Bahama pn Bahamas
Bahrain pn Bahrain
bake v bake
baker n baker
bakeria n bakery (bakehouse)
bakalau n cod
baki a rest (remainder)
bale n ball (dance)
balet n ballet
balade n ballad
baldi n bucket
baluta n oak tree
bambu n bamboo
bamia n okra (okro)
ban n bread
banana n banana
bande n band (lace, ribbon, strip, tape)
bande v tie (fasten, bind)
bandaje n bandage
bandan n bandana
bandul n bundle
banda n band (squad, group)
bandera n flag (banner)
Bangi pn Bangui
Bangi riv pn Ubangi river
bangla bash n Bengali language (Bangla)
Banglagogia pn Bangladesh
bani v banish (ban)
banke v save (deposit, bank)
banke shefe n bank manager
bankekan n bank (depository, cache)
bankerute n bankrupt (insolvent)
banker n banker
bar n bar (pub)
bare v bar (obstruct, block)
baraje n barrage (dam)
barium n barium
Barbados pn Barbados
barbar n barbarian
barbarik a barbaric
Barbuda pn Barbuda
barda n beard
bari a heavy (requiring much effort, hard, difficult, serious, important, etc.)
bari metal n heavy metal
barka v congratulate (bless)
barka n congratulation (blessing, benediction)
barka int congratulations!
bartia pn India
baru n bear
bas a enough (sufficient)
bash v speak a language
bash n language (system of communication)
• dubashik a bilingual
• dubashik a bilingual
• kombash n common language
• polibashik a multilingual
• trabash v translate (interpret; translation, interpretation)
• trabasher n interpreter (translator)
• unbashik a monolingual
bash kanun n grammar
bash kanunik a grammatical
basholojia n linguistics
baske n basket
baske bol n basketball
bate v hit (strike, punch, beat)
• kombate v brawl (fight)
• kombatente n brawler (fighter, combattant)
bata n duck
batata n sweet potato (batata)
batri n battery
bau n treasure (valuables)
baubei n darling (dear companion)
baze n base (foundation)
baze strute n intrastructure (underbuilding)
bazik a basic
baziz v base (found)
bazar n market (bazaar)
bebe n baby (infant)
bei n mate (fellow member of a social group)
bei v undergo (passivizing verb)
Beiging pn Beijing (Peking)
bel n bel (unit)
bela n misfortune (misery, affliction, calamity, catastrophe, disaster, harm)
Belarus pn Belarus
Belgi pn Belgium
Belize pn Belize
Benin pn Benin
benzin n gasoline (petrol)
bere n beret
beri n berry
berilium n beryllium
berkelium n berkelium
Berlin pn Berlin
Bermuda pn Bermuda
beta n beet
betula n birch tree
bi aux be -ing (imperfective aspect marker)
biblia pn Bible
biblik a Biblical
bikini n bikini
bil v can (be possible)
bil a possible
bina v build (construct)
bina n building (structure)
• konbina v combine
bingo n bingo
bio n life (organic)
• simbio n symbiosis
• simbiotik a symbiotic
biojense n biological sex
biolojia n biology (study of organic life)
bioter n organism (living thing)
biotoxe n toxin
bir n beer
birkan n bar (pub, beer house)
Bisau Ginia pn Guinea-Bissau
bismute n bismuth
bison n bison
blabla v chat (babble)
blak a black
bloge n blog (web log)
blu a blue
boa n boa
boi n boy
bol n ball (sphere, orb)
bolon n balloon
Bolivia pn Bolivia
bolshevisme n Bolshevism
bolsheviste n Bolshevik
bomba n bomb
borium n bohrium
boron n boron
Bosna e Hercegovina pn Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bote pn Tibet
boxe v boxing
brad n brother
Brazavil pn Brazzaville
BrazavilKongo pn Congo (Brazzaville)
Brazil pn Brazil
Brazil jiushut n Brasilian jujitsu
briko n apricot (plum, peach)
Britia pn United Kingdom
brokol n broccoli
brom n bromine
brosh n brush
brosh kalam n inkbrush (calligraphy brush)
brun a brown
Brunai pn Brunei Darussalam
bu int boo!
bubu n bogeyman (ghost)
bua n dog
bude v wake
Bude pn Buddha
budifa v wake (make awake)
budik a awake (aware)
budion n realization (awareness, enlightenment, bodhi)
budisme n Buddhism
budiste n Buddhist
Budapesht pn Budapest
bufe n buffet (smorgasbord)
buge v fault (bug)
• debuge v debug
• debuger n debugger
buk n book
bukiniste n second-hand bookseller (bouquiniste)
bulbul n nightingale
Bulgaria pn Bulgaria
bum n explosion (blast, eruption)
bumerang n boomerang
burer n secretary (clerk)
bureria n secretariat
Burkina Faso pn Burkina Faso
buro n office (post)
burokan n office (bureau)
burokratia n bureaucracy
burotik a official (formal, bureaucratic)
bus n bus
bus halte n bus stop
bus halte n bus stop
bute n butter
butan n butane
butil n butyl
buyu n baobab
celsius grade n degree Celsius
Cere pn Ceres (dwarf planet)
cerium n cerium
Cernagora pn Montenegro
cesium n caesium
cha n tea
cha chamcha n teaspoon
cha kan n tea house
cha kupa n tea cup
cha pote n teapot
cha tasa n tea bowl
chade pn Chad
chamcha n spoon
chana n moment (instant, while)
chanatik a momentary
chape v press (imprint)
chape n print (stamp)
chati n roof
chavi n key
chek n cheque (check)
cheri n cherry
Cheska pn Czech Republic
chian a cyan
chianid n cyanide
Chile pn Chile
chili a spicy (hot, peppery, pungent)
chili piman n chili pepper
chimpanzi n chimpanzee
chini n porcelain (chinaware)
Chipe pn Albania
chira v tear (rip, split)
• dechira v tear off
chita n cheetah
chize n cheese
choke v thrust (butt, ram, sock)
choklate n chocolate
Chosen pn Korea
chuli v treat (handle, manage, process)
chuli n handling (treatment, procedure, process)
chut v leave (go away, exit)
chut mun n exit door
da pron he or she or it
da se poss.pron. his or her
da der pron that (that over there)
da hir pron this (this here)
dai a big (great, large)
dai pol n big city
daifa v englarge (magnify)
dan n particle (grain, bullet)
dan prep than (compared to, relative to)
dang n rank (grade, dan)
danke v thank
danke int thanks
danke yu int thank you
danse n dance
Danske pn Denmark
dante n tooth
dante baluta n daimyo oak
dante brosh n tooth brush
dante dokter n dentist
dante kate v bite
dante kume n alveolar ridge (gum ridge)
dao n knife (sword, blade)
dare n flow (current, stream)
dare v flow (stream)
daria n body of water (sea, lake, river)
darik n fluid
darmestadium n darmstadtium
darte n soil (dirt, ground)
dartik a soily (dirty)
darvinisme n Darwinism
darviniste n Darwinist
data n data (numeric information)
data banke n database (databank)
data chuli n data processing
data chuli lojia n computer science
data table n data table (matrix)
dau n way (road)
dauisme n Taoism (Daoism)
dauiste n Taoist
deo n god (deity)
deik a divine (godly)
deisme n theism
deiste n theist
• andeiste n atheist
deokratia n theocracy
deolojia n theology
deosofia n theosophy
Deimos pn Deimos
deme n public (people in general)
demik a public
demografia n demography
demokratia n democracy
demokratik n democratic
demokratiste n democrat
den n day (24 hours)
• posden n tomorrow (the day after)
• preden n yesterday (the day before)
den lug n diary (daily log)
denik a daily
der av there
desi num deci-
desibel n decibel
dexe a right (right hand side)
dexiste n rightist (right-winger)
di pron they
di se poss.pron. their
dib n document (text, writing)
diber n writer (someone who writes)
dibia n literature
dib rul n scroll
dibik a literary
dible n demon (devil)
diblik a demonic (devilish)
did aux did (past tense marker)
dika v aim (point)
dika n direction (target, objective)
• indika v indicate (point into)
dikater n pointer (indicator)
din n religion (faith)
din guru n priest (cleric)
dinik a religious
diniste n believer (religious person)
• andinist n unbeliever (infidel)
dinosaur n dinosaur
Dione pn Dione
dis a asunder
diske n disc (disk)
disket n diskette
disprosium n dysprosium
dite v say (speak, talk)
• predite v predict (foretell)
• predition n prediction
• kontradite v contradict
• kontradition n contradiction
dition n saying (diction)
dita v dictate
ditater n dictator
ditateria n dictatorship
doich a German
Doich pn Germany
dokter n doctor (scholar who has attained doctorate)
dokteria n doctorate
dolar n dollar
dolfin n dolphin
Dominika pn Dominica
Dominika Parokratia pn Dominican Republic
domino n dominoes
don v give
• perdon v forgive (pardon)
• redon v return (give back)
donaje n gift
donaje cheke n gift certificate (gift card)
doniv a generous (open-handed)
dong n east (orient)
Dong Timor pn East Timor (Timor-Leste)
dor n door (hatch)
dorse n back (spine)
dot n daughter
dot dot n daughter's daughter
dot son n daughter's son
dou n bean or pea (legume)
doze n portion (dose)
drama v act (play a role)
drama n play (theatrical play, drama)
dramater n actor (actress)
dramatik a theatrical (dramatic)
dramatik ironia n dramatic irony
du num two (2)
du o tri num a couple of
du tem av twice
dual a dual (twofold)
dualisme n dualism
dufonik a stereophonic
dugrafik a anaglyphic (stereoscopic)
duo n duo (twosome)
duple a double (twofold; multiply by two)
dusemik a double entendre
dua v pray (beg, entreat, implore)
dua n prayer
dubnium n dubnium
duk v receive (store)
• panduk n inn (fonduk, tavern)
• sinduk n container (box, chest)
dukkan n store (shop)
dum n smoke
dunia n world
dunia bash n world language
duniatik a global
duna n dune
dura n duration (time interval)
dura v last (take time; during)
dura v pass (spend time, put time into)
• redura v continue (resume)
durabil a durable (endurable, sustainable)
durativ a chronic (lasting)
durian n durian
dus a bad (unfavorable, negative, evil, wicked, troublesome, difficult)
dush n shower
dute v lead (bring to)
• dedute v deduce (lead away)
• dedution n deduction
• indute v induce (introduce, lead in)
• kondute v conduct (lead together)
• kondutr n conductor (director)
• produte v produce (lead forward)
• produte n product
• paraprodute n side-product
• posprodution n post-production
• produter n producer
• redute v reduce (lead back, take back)
e conj and
einsteinium n einsteinium
Eire pn Ireland
eite num eight (8)
eko n environment (nature)
ekolojia n ecology (study of environment)
ekonativ a wild (savage)
ekotik a environmental (natural)
Ekuador pn Ecuador
elaste v stretch
elastik a elastic
eletre n electricity
eletrik a electric
eletrik poste (e-poste) n e-mail
eletrolize n electrolysis
eletron n electron
elfe n elf
Enceladus pn Enceladus
energia n energy
energiza v energize (supply with energy)
English pn England
enjener n engineer
enjeneria n engineering
enzim n enzyme
erbium n erbium
• sinergia n synergy
ergonomia n ergonomics
Eris pn Eris (dwarf planet)
Eritra pn Eritrea
Ero pn Eros
erotik a erotic
es v be
esente n being (that which is)
esentia n being (essence)
esential a essential (fundamental)
eser n being (entity)
Espania pn Spain
esperante n Esperanto
Esti pn Estonia
etan n ethane
etanol n ethanol
eten n ethen (ethylene)
etil n ethyl
Etiopia pn Ethiopia
euforia n euphoria
eugenisme n eugenics
Eurasia pn Eurasia
euro n euro (€)
europium n europium
Europa pn Europe
Europa Unia pn European Union (EU)
Europaluna pn Europa
evanjil n gospel (evangel)
evanjiliste evangelist
evri a every (each)
evri tem pron always (all the time)
evri ting prn everything
evri von prn everybody (everyone)
exotik a exotic (foreign)
extran a outsider (stranger)
exa num exa-
fa v do
• perfat a perfect (complete)
• rifa v do again (repeat, iterate)
fabil a feasible (doable)
fat a done
fat n deed (feat, fact)
fat bash n artificial language (conlang)
fater n maker (factor, agent)
fateria n factory (plant)
faham v understand (comprehend)
faham n understanding (comprehension)
faif num five (5)
fake v fuck (obscene word for sexual intercourse)
famil n family
famil nim n surname (family name)
fan v fan (be a fan, admire)
fanate v admire (adore)
fanatik a fanatic (enthusiast(ic))
fantaz v imagine (fantasize)
fantazia n fantasy (imagination)
fantazik a fantastic (imaginary)
fash v bundle (bunch, sheaf)
fashisme n fascism
• antifashisme antifascism
fashiste n fascist
faze n stage (phase)
fei n cost (fee, charge, pay, dues, toll)
fei fri a free of charge
felte n felt
fem n female (woman)
femine a female
feminisme n feminism
feministe n feminist
fenil n phenyl
fenol n phenol
fende v fend (block)
• afende v attack (offend)
• defende n defense (defence)
• defende ward off (defend from)
fender n fender (guard)
fer v point (direct, signal)
fere n iron
• anaferik a anaphoric
• defer v defer (signal away)
• disfer v differ (direct apart)
• infer v infer (point into)
• kataferik a cataphoric
• prefer v prefer (assess before)
• refer v refer (assign back to)
fermium n fermium
feste v party (celebrate; celebration, festival)
festiv a festive
Fiji pn Fiji
fikre v think
fikre n thought
filia n attraction (fascination, -philia)
filiste n fan (-phile)
filsofer n philosopher
filsofia n philosophy
filsofik a philosophic
Filipin pn Philippines
Filistin pn Palestinian Territory
filme n film (movie or video)
filme bab n episode (instalment of a drama)
fin n end (ending)
fin v finish (complete, end)
final a final
final mache n final (last round)
finite a ended (finished)
finiza v finish (put an end to)
fite n plant
fitolojia n botany (phytology)
fixe v fix (attach)
fixe n attachment
• afixe n affix
• afixaje n poster (placard)
• posfixe n postfix
• prefixe n prefix
fize n physical body (physis)
fizik a physical
fizolojer n physicist
fizolojia n physics
• metafizolojia n metaphysics
fla v blow
• defla v deflate
• deflation n deflation
• infla v inflate
• inflation n inflation
flam n flame
flerovium n flerovium
flexe v bend (flex)
• deflexe v deflect (bend away)
• reflexe v reflect (bend back)
• reflexer n reflector
flur n fluorine
fobia n fear (phobia)
fobifa v scare (frighten)
fobik a afraid (scared)
fobiv a scary (frightening)
Fobos pn Phobos
fone n phone (speech sound)
fone v pronounce (articulate)
foneme n phoneme
fonolojia n phonology
fonte n fountain (spring, well)
fonte kalam n fountain pen
fonte sui n sping water
fonyo n fonio millet (acha rice)
for num four (4)
forka n fork
forma n form (shape, morph)
• deforma v deform
• dusforma v disfigure (malform)
• dusforma a malformed (deformed, disfigured)
• konforma v conform (fit, mold)
• konformatisme n conformism
• riforma v reform
• riformativ a reformative
forum n forum (public space)
fosfe n phosphorus
fosfate n phosphate
fote n light (illumination)
foto n photo
fotografe n photograph
fotografer n photographer
fotografia n photography
fotolojia n optics
foton n photon
Franse pn France
Franse Guyana pn French Guiana
franse krepe n crepe
Franse Polinesi pn French Polynesia
fransium n francium
frasen n ash tree
frende n friend
frendik a friendly (kind, nice, gentle)
frendita n friendship
fri a free (unrestricted, unoccupied)
frut n fruit
frut garde n orchard
frutos n fructose
fufu n pulp (pap, mash, mush)
fuk n clothing (clothes)
fuk v wear (dress, put on)
fuk n belly
fukit a clothed (dressed)
fukiza v dress (clothe sb.)
Fula pn Fula (Fulani)
fulan a such-and-such (so-and-so)
fun n powder
funte v function (operate, work, run)
funte n function (operation, working, running)
• defunte a defunct (out of use)
• dusfunte n dysfunction (malfunction)
• konfunte v work together (interoperate)
• konfuntebil a compatible (interoperable, supported)
funtebil a functional (valid, workable)
funtion n function (relation between inputs and outputs)
funtional a functional
funtionalisme n functionalism
fut n foot
futbol n football (soccer)
futre v rot (decay)
futre a rotten (putrid, decayed)
fuze v melt (found, liquify)
• konfuze v melt together (merge, fuse)
fuzion n fusion (amalgamation)
fuziv bash n fusional language
Gabon pn Gabon
gabre v bury
gabre n grave (tomb)
gabrestan n graveyard (cemetery, burial ground)
gadolinium n gadolinium
gaja n elephant
gal n girl
Galia pn Gaul
galium n gallium
galaxia n galaxy
gali n street
galop v canter and gallop
gamia n marriage (matrimony)
Gambia pn Gambia
gamba n shrimp (prawn)
gamel n camel
gan a dry
gan chau n hay
gan putau n raisin
ganifa v dry out
Gana pn Ghana
Ganda pn Uganda
gandum n wheat
Ganga pn Ganges
Ganimede pn Ganymede
ganja n cannabis (marijuana, ganja, pot, weed)
gansa n goose
garde n garden
garde kultur n horticulture
gardin n garden
gardiner n gardener
garda n guard (protector)
garda v guard (protect)
gardantia n guarantee (warranty, assurance)
gas n gas
gasifa v gasify (vaporize)
gasik a gaseous
gau a high (tall)
gaze n gauze
gazel n gazelle
geo n earth (ground)
Geia pn Earth (Terra)
geografia n geography
geolojia n geology
geometria n geometry
gene v generate (beget, produce; production, reproduction)
genelojia n genealogy (recording of descents)
genelojia n genetics (study of reproduction)
genetipe n genotype
genik a genetic
Genzi pn Guernsey
germanium n germanium
geto n ghetto
Gibraltar pn Gibraltar
gida v guide (lead, show the way)
gida n guide
gida buk n guide book
gik n pole (polar point)
ging n classic (canon)
ginge n ginger
gingik a classic (doctrinal, authoritative, definitive)
gitar n guitar
glas n glass
glasifa v glaze (vitrify)
glasur n glazing (enamel)
glu n glue (adhesive)
go v go (move through space)
gogia n country (land, state)
gogiajen n citizen
gol n goal (destination)
gola n throat
gom n rubber (latex, eraser)
gon n corner (angle)
gorila n gorilla
goro n pig
goton n cotton
grafe n drawing (graph, image)
grafe v draw
grafe buk n picture book
grafer n illustrator (graphic artist)
grafik a graphic (pictorial)
gram n gram (g)
grama n grammar (rules for structures and functions)
• programa n program (set of structured activities)
• programa v program (set out rules for structures and functions)
• programater n programmer (coder)
grama jensi n grammatical gender (lexical gender)
gramatik a grammatical
gran n grain (particle)
granite n granite
granul n granule
grave n gravel
Grenada pn Grenada
Grenadin nesia pn the Grenadines
grese v stride
• agrese v attack (assault, aggression, hostility)
• agreser n aggressor
• agresiv a aggressive
• progrese v progress (stride forward, advance, go forward)
• progresion n advancement (milestone)
• regrese v regress (fall back)
grim n crime (commit a crime, perpetrate)
grimik a criminal
grin a green
gris a grey (gray, ashy)
grup n group
gua n cave
Guadelupe pn Guadeloupe
guai a odd (strange, weird, peculiar, bizarre)
Guam pn Guam
Guangzhou pn Guangzhou (Canton)
Guatemala pn Guatemala
guba n hump
gubu n hippopotamus
gud a good
Gujarat pn Gujarati
gung n bow (weapon)
gung dau n kyudo (Oriental form of archery)
gunger n archer
guru n guru (teacher, sage)
Guyana pn Guyana
hab v have
habar n news
habar midia n news media
hade n limit (bound, boundary)
hadik a limited (finite)
hafnium n hafnium
haha int haha
haha v laugh
haivan n animal
haivan kultur n animal husbandry
haivan parke n zoo (zoological garden)
haivanfilia n zoophily
haivangeografia n zoogeography
haivanlojia n zoology
haivanlojik a zoological
Haiti pn Haiti
haje v pilgrimage
hajer n pilgrim
hak a right (true, correct)
hak n right (entitlement)
hakik a real (genuine)
hakita n truth
haki n dust
haki brun a khaki
hal n state (condition, status, situation, circumstances)
hali a empty (void)
halif n caliph
halifia n caliphate
halo int hello (hi)
halte v stop (halt)
halte n stop (halt)
halva n confection (sweets)
ham v matter (be important)
ham a important
hamake n hammock
hamir n yeast
Han pn Han Chinese
Han zi n Chinese or Japanese character (hanzi, kanji)
hande n hand
hande buk n handbook (manual)
handik a manual
handul n handle (grip, hilt)
hang n row (horizontal line)
hap v fit (match, be suitable)
hap a suitable (appropriate, apt, fit)
hapi a happy (glad, delighted)
harabe a bad (ruined, destroyed)
harabe v ruin (destroy, devastate, demolish)
harmonia n harmony
harmonik a harmonious
has a special (distinct)
hasita n distinction (specialty)
hashish n hashish
hata prep until (til, up to)
hatre n danger (peril)
hau pron how (to what degree)
hau poli pron how many
haur n hour (sixty minutes)
haur diker n hour hand of the clock
haus n home (house, residence)
hav aux have (perfective aspect marker)
Havai pn Hawaii
Haye pn Armenia
he int huh? (eh?, pardon?)
hei int hey (exclamation to get attention)
helium n helium
hela n cardamom
Helen pn Greece
helenik a Greek (Hellenic)
helpe n help (aid, assistance)
helpe v help (assist)
• helpe mi int Help me!
helper n helper (aid, assistant)
Helsinki pn Helsinki
heme n blood
hema n tent
hen n hatred (hate, resentment, odium)
hen v hate
hena n henna (alcanna)
hepate n liver
hepatitis n hepatitis
hero n hero
hero mite n saga (heroic tale)
herotik a heroic
herpes n herpes
herze n hertz (Hz)
Hese pn Hesse
hesium n hassium
hetotik a heroic
hidre n hydrogen
hidrate n hydrate (chemical compound)
hidroperoxide n hydrogen peroxide
hidrargente n mercury (quicksilver)
hihi v giggle
hihi int hehe (tee hee)
hijabe n veil (cover, screen)
hik n hiccup
Himalaya pn Himalayas
Hinde pn Hindi (Hindustani)
Hinde riv pn Indus river
hindisme n Hinduism
hindiste n Hindu
Hindistan pn Hindustan
hindium n indium
Hindochin pn Indochina
hip hop n hip-hop
hipokalsehemia n hypocalcemia
Hiperion pn Hyperion
hipo a deficient (less than normal)
hipoglukehemia n hypoglycemia
hipohemepresia n hypotension (low blood pressure)
hir av here
hisabe v calculate
hisabia n arithmetics
histor n history (annals)
historer n historian
historia n history (past times)
• prehistoria n prehistory
historlojia n history (study of history)
Ho Chi Min pol pn Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon)
hobi n hobby
hobiter n hobbyist (amateur)
hoki n hockey
hol a whole (entire)
hol nume n integer (whole number)
hol nim n holonym
holia n wholeness (integrity)
holisme n holism
holiste n holistic (comprehensive, overall, pertaining to the whole)
holografe n hologram (holograph)
holografia n holography
holokauste n holocaust (complete destruction)
holera n cholera
holmium n holmium
home n human being
homan n human being
homan hake n human rights
homania n mankind (humanity)
homanik a humane
homanisme n humanism
homaniste n humanist
homanoide n humanoid
Honduras pn Honduras
hong n pink (crimson, rose-color)
Hong Gong pn Hong Kong, SAR China
hore v shiver (creeps)
horifik a horrifying (horrific, horrible)
horifa v horrify (give the creeps)
horur n horror
hormon n hormone
Horvatia pn Croatia
hotel n hotel
hu pron who (which person)
hu se pron whose
hua n flower
hua kol n cauliflower
hua pote n flowerpot
hui n ash (ashes)
hui darte n podzol
huli n fox
hume n humus (mold)
• exhume v exhume
• inhume v bury (inter, inhume)
humor n humor
humorik a humorous (comical, funny)
humoriste n humorist
humus n chickpea
hur a free (unchained)
hura int cheer (hurrah, hooray, yay)
iche n will (volition, desire)
iche v will (want)
ichiv a willing
• anichive a reluctant
ide n alike (similar)
ide v be like (resemble)
idente a
identifa v identify
identik a identical
idiot n idiot
idiotia n idiocy (stupidity)
idiotik a stupid (idiotic)
if conj if
iglu n igloo
iha n donkey (ass)
ihamar n mule
ihamar n mule
impere v reign (rule as an emperor)
imperer n emperor
imperia n empire
imperial a imperial
imperialisme n imperialism
imperialiste n imperialist
Indonesia pn Indonesia
Io pn Io
iode n iodine
Iran pn Iran
Iraqi pn Iraq
iridium n iridium
ironia n irony
ishara v gesticulate
ishara n gesture (sign)
ishara bash n sign language
islamisme n Islam
islamiste n muslim (moslem)
islamofobia n islamophobia
Islande pn Iceland
isme n way of thinking (doctrine, ideology, -ism)
Israel pn Israel
israelide n Israelite
iste n adherent (-ist)
ita (-ta) af -ness, (-ity)
Italia pn Italy
itis n inflammation (-itis)
jake n jacket
jaket n vest (waistcoat)
jaka n jackfruit
Jakarta pn Jakarta
jame v collect (gather, bring together, assemble, congregate)
• anjame v disperse (spread out, scatter)
• anjamik a sparse (scattered)
jamia n collection (congregation, assembly)
jamiv a collective
Jamaika pn Jamaica
jambu n jamul (jambul, rose apple)
jampe v jump
jan v attention (focus, care, caution, heed)
jan v care (caution, attention, heed)
janiv a careful (cautious, attentive, alert, wary)
jang v fight (war, battle, combat)
janger n warrior (fighter)
jangik a military (martial, warlike)
jangle n forest (woods, jungle)
jara n jar (jug, pitcher, carafe, amphora, vase)
javab v answer (reply, respond; response)
Jayer pn Algeria
jaz n jazz
jeb n pocket
jeb dao n pocketknife
jebra n algebra
jele n gel (jelly)
jen n person (individual)
jense n genus (genre, gender, category)
jensolojia n gender studies
jensen n ginseng
Jerze pn Jersey
jete v thrust (shove)
• exjete v eject (thrust out)
• injete v inject
• injetaje n injection
• projete n project (forecast, endeavour)
• projete v project (thrust forth)
• rejete v reject (thrust back)
Jibuti pn Djibouti
jihad n struggle (strife)
jihadisme n jihadism
jihadiste n jihadist
jin n spirit (soul, vitality, life force)
jiu v yield
jiu a yielding (soft, gentle, supple)
jiudau n judo
jiushut n jujitsu
jok n joke
joker n joker
juba n robe (gown, kaftan, jubbah)
jude v judge
• prejude v prejudice
juder n judge (referee)
judik a judicial
jule n joule (J)
jumla n sentence (phrase)
jun a young (junior)
jun bei n junior fellow (kouhai)
jun brad n little brother (younger brother)
jun jen n youth (youngster, young person)
jun man n boy
Jungogia pn China
jurne n journal (magazine, gazette, newspaper)
jurnaliste n journalist
jus n juice
kabab v roast (barbecue, grill)
kabila n tribe
kable n rope (cable)
kadmium n cadmium
kafe n coffee
kafe kupa n coffee cup
kafe pote n coffeepot
kafein n cafeine
kafekan n cafe (coffee shop)
kafur n camphor tree
kaguji n paper (material)
kagujilimon n key lime
kahan n khan
kahania n khanate
Kaiman nesia pn Cayman Islands
kaju n cashew
kaka v defecate (shit)
kaka n poo (excrement, shit)
kakau n cocoa
kaki n persimmon (kaki)
kaktus n cactus
kalium n potassium
Kalal pn Greenland
kalam n pen (writing tool)
kalam sui n ink
kali a alkaline
kali n base (alkali; alkaline)
kalifornium n californium
Kalisto pn Callisto
kalside n lime
kalsite n calcite
kalsium n calcium (Ca)
kam av little (few, not many)
kamia n scarcity
kamifa v reduce
Kama Ging pn Kama Sutra
Kambodia pn Cambodia
Kamerun pn Cameroon
kampe n camp
kampestan n campground
kamper n camper
kamre n room (chamber)
kamre a Welsh
Kamria pn Wales (Cambria)
kan n workshop (shop, building, house or place for doing something)
kan v can (know how)
kana n reed (cane)
kana kalam n reed pen
Kanada pn Canada
kanal n ditch (canal, channel, dyke, trench)
kandela n candela
kandi n candy (sweets)
kangaru n kangaroo
kanjar n dagger
kanu n canoe
kanun n law (rule, regulation)
kanunik a legal (lawful, canonical)
kap n head
kape v catch (capture, grab, seize, snatch)
kap bande n headband (bandeau)
kap kesh n hair of the head
kap kesh n hair
Kape Verde pn Cabo Verde (Cape Verde)
kaposte n skull
kapuk n kapok tree
kar n car (cart, carriage, wagon, automobile)
kar parke n car park (parking lot)
karet n cart
karaoke n karaoke
karate n karate
karavi n caraway
karbe n carbon (coal)
karbe duoxide n carbon dioxide
karbe kalam n pencil
karbehidrate n carbohydrate
karbide n carbide
karbol n carbole (carbolic acid)
karboxil n carboxyle
karbau n water buffalo
karchof n globe artichoke
kargadan n rhinoceros
kari n curry
karib a near (close)
karib av nearly (almost, approximately)
Karibe pn Caribbean
karibita n proximity
karite n shea (vitellaria)
karnada bash n Kannada language
karote n carrot
karta n card
Kartul pn Georgia (Republic of Georgia)
karuba n carob (St. John's bread)
karvan n caravan (convoy)
kase n box (container)
kaser n cashier
kaset n cassette
kasul n capsule
kat v cut (bite, incise)
kat n cut (piece, section)
kativ a sharp (cutting, edged, pointed)
Katalunia pn Catalonia
Katar pn Qatar
katolik a Catholic
katolikisme n Catholicism
Kaukasia pn Caucasia
kauri n cowrie
kauste v burn or corrode flesh
kaustik a caustic (corrosive)
kavai a cute (sweet)
Kazakistan pn Kazakhstan
ke conj that (conjunction)
kechape n ketchup
keke n cake (cookie, biscuit, tart)
kelvin n kelvin
Kem pn Ancient Egypt (Kemet)
Kem bash n Coptic language
Keme pn Ancient Egypt (Kemet)
Kenya pn Kenya
kerube n cherub
kesh n hair
kesh bande n hairband (headband)
kesh brosh n hairbrush
ketil n kettle
keton n ketone
Khartum pn Khartoum
ki pron which (who, that)
kilogram n kilogram (kg)
kilomitre n kilometer (km)
kim n substance (physical material from which something is made)
kimia n chemistry
kimik n chemical
kimium n chemical element
kimono n kimono
Kinshasa pn Kinshasa
Kinshasa Kongo pn Congo Kinshasa
kioske n kiosk (pavilion)
Kipris pn Cyprus
kira n rent (lease)
kirate n carat
Kirgize pn Kyrgyzstan
Kiribati pn Kiribati
kisa n tale (story)
kisa v tell a story
kitab v write (writing, text, script)
kitab kan n library
kitab makin n typewriter
kitabiste n writer (author)
kivi n kiwi bird
kivi frute n kiwi fruit
klik v click (snap)
klima n climate
klima muta n climate change
klimalojia n climatology
klimatike a climatic
klon n clone (replica)
klor n chlorine
klube n club
kluze v close (shut)
kluze a closed
• exkluze v exclude (keep out)
• exkluziv a exclusive
• inkluze v include (enclose, hold in)
• konkluze v conclude (close together)
koala n koala
kobalte n cobalt
kode n code (cipher)
• dekod v decode (decrypt)
• inkod v encode (encrypt)
koka n coca
Koka Kola pn Coca-Cola
koko n chicken
Kokos nesia pn Cocos (Keeling) Islands
kol n cabbage
kola n kola
kola frute n kola nut
kola jus n cola
Kolombia pn Colombia
kolon v settle (colonize)
koloner n colonist
kolonia n colony (settlement)
kolonisme n colonialism
koloniste n colonialist
koloniza v colonize
kom v come (arrive)
• rekom v come back (return)
komik a comic (funny)
komodia n comedy
komple a complex (intricate)
komplifa v complicate
koma n comma
Komoro nesia pn Comoros
kon prep with (together; common)
Konakri Ginia pn Guinea
konu n cone
kopernium n copernicium
kopi n copy (duplicate, replica)
kopi v copy (replicate)
korte a short (brief)
kosme n space (cosmos, universe)
kosmik a cosmic
kosmobiolojia n astrobiology
kosmolojia n cosmology
kosmonave n spaceship
kosmonaver n cosmonaut
Kosovo pn Kosovo
KostaRika pn Costa Rica
kote n coat
Kote de Ivar pn Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
kotumbar n coriander
kou n mouth
krak n crack (rift)
krate v govern (rule, reign)
kratia n government (rule (reign, -ocracy, -archy)
krea v create
kreater n creator
kreativ a creative
kreaya n creation (all which exists)
krede v believe (trust, credit, rely on)
• ankrede v distrust (disbelieve)
• sinkredisme n synchretism
kredebil a credible (believable)
• ankredebil a incredible (unbelievable)
kreder n believer (religious person)
• ankreder n unbeliever (infidel)
krem n cream
krem yel a creamy (cream colored)
krepe n pancake
krese v grow (increase)
• dekrese v wane (decrease)
kresente a growing
kresion n growth
Kriste n Christ
• antikriste n antichrist
kristenate n Christmas
kristia n Christendom
kristian n Christian
kristisme n Christianity
krististe n Christian
kriton n krypton
kriz n crisis (turning point)
krizik a critical (pertaining to crisis)
krokro n frog
kromium n chromium
krone n time
• sinkrone a synchronous (simultaneous, happening at the same time)
• sinkroniza v synchronize (coordinate timing)
krononomia n chronology (arrangement in time)
krus n cross
kualifa v qualify (define)
kualita n quality (property)
kuarze n quartz
kube n cube
kubekul n cubicle
kubik a cubic
Kuba pn Cuba
kuke v cook (prepare food)
Kuk nesia pn Cook Islands
kuker n cook (chef)
kuku n cuckoo
kuli n coolie
kulombe n coulomb (unit)
kulte v cultivate (foster)
kultur n culture
kume n mound (hill)
kumul n heap (hillock, accumulation; heap up, accumulate)
Kung Fuzi pn Confucious
Kung Fuzi dau n Confucianism
kupa n drinking vessel (cup, glass, mug, goblet, chalice)
kupre n copper
kurium n curium
kuran pn Quran (Koran)
kurse v go (going; course)
• exkurse v go out (excurse)
• exkursion n excursion
• prekurse v go or come before
• prekurser n precursor (predecessor, forerunner)
• rikurse v recur (go again)
• trakurse v go through (go by)
kursi n chair
kuskus n couscous
Kuvaite pn Kuwait
la pron the (that)
labe v labour (toil, work)
• konlabe v collaborate (work together)
labur n labour (toil, work)
labur partia n Labour Party
labur unia n labour union
laburer n laborer
laburisme n labour movement
laburiste n
laba n bugle (horn instrument)
labi n lip
labi barda n moustache
lage n lake
lagon n lagoon
Lagos pn Lagos
laka n lacquer (varnish)
lala v lull
lala v sleep like a baby
lampa n lamp
Lanka pn Sri Lanka (Ceylon)
lantan n lanthanum
Lao pn Laos
larva n larva (maggot, caterpillar)
lasun n garlic
Latvia pn Latvia
lau a old (aged, elderly)
laurencium n lawrencium
laxa v loose (laxe; loosen, let loose, let go)
• relaxa v relax
lazur a azure (cerulean)
lazurit tbd lapis lazuli
lense n lens
les av less
let a little (small)
lete v read
letebil a legible (readable)
leter n reader (lector)
letion n reading
letur n lecture
leturer n lecturer
leve a left (left hand side)
leviste n leftist (left-winger)
lexe n word
lexasle n provenance of word
lexaslia n etymology (science of history of words)
lexe grafe n logogram (logo)
lexe liste n dictionary (word list)
lexem n lexeme
lexia n vocabulary (lexicon)
lexifa v lexicalize
• rilexifa v relexify
lexik a lexical
lexofilia n logophilia
lexofiliste n logophile (word buff)
Libanen pn Lebanon
Liberia pn Liberia
Libia pn Libya
lichi n lychee (litchi)
lide v lead (direct)
lider n leader (director)
Lietuva pn Lithuania
liga n league (alliance)
liga v ally
Lihtenstain pn Liechtenstein
lila n lilac
lila nil a lilac color
lim n citrus
limet n lime
limon n lemon
limfa n lymph
lingu n tongue
linxe n lynx
lipe n fat (grease)
lipide n lipid
lipik a fatty (greasy)
lipofobia n lipophobia
lipolize n lipolysis
liste n list (listing, catalogue)
litium n lithium
litre n litre (liter)
livermorium n livermorium
lize v break down
lize n breakdown (-lysis)
lobe n lobe (division of an organ)
lobul n lobule
log n story (tale, narrative)
log v tell (talk, inform, pass information)
• apologia n apology
• dialog n dialog (conversation)
• dulogia n dilogy (duology)
• prolog n prolog
• trilogia n trilogy
logiv a talkative
loje v study (research)
lojia n study (field of study, -logy)
lojiatik a scientific
lojik a logical
loju v live in (dwell, lodge, reside, inhabit)
loke n place (location)
lokal a local
lokiza v put (place, set)
London pn London
long a long (lengthy)
longia n length
longifa v lengthen (prolong)
lot v lot
lot tiket n lotteryticket
loteria n lottery
love v love (desire, lust)
love n love (desire, lust)
love hotel n love hotel
lover n lover (romantic or sexual partner)
lug n register (record, log)
lug v register (record, log)
• delug v log out (log off)
• inlug v log in (sign in)
• katalug n catalogue
lug buk n logbook
lulu n pearl
lulu table n abacus
lume v shine
lumiza v polish
lumbe n loin
lumbalgia n lumbago (lower back pain)
lumen n lumen
lun pn moon
lung n dragon
lung dou n winged bean
Lungia pn Bhutan
lute v rob (loot, plunder, pillage, ransack)
luter n robber (plunderer)
lutesium n lutetium
luxe a lush
luxur a luxuriant (excessive)
luxuria n luxury (excess)
Luxemburge pn Luxembourg
ma n mother (mom, mama)
matria n motherland
matrik n motherly (maternal)
matropol n metropolis
mache n match (contest)
made n matter (substance)
madik a material (physical)
madisme n materialism
Madagasia pn Madagascar
mage v conjure (do magic, cast a spell; spell)
mager n magician (sorcerer, mage, wizard)
magia n magic
magik a magical
magnesium n magnesium
magnit n magnet
magnitik a magnetic
Magribia pn Morocco
Magyar pn Hungary
maina n myna bird
mais n corn (maize)
majang n mahjong
make v make up (apply cosmetics)
makile v make up (apply cosmetics)
makilaje n makeup (cosmetics)
Maka pn Mecca
makas n scissors (shears)
Makau pn Macao
makin n machine
makinik a mechanical
makiniste n mechanic
makiniza v mechanize
mal n property (belongings, possessions)
mal v own (possess)
malik n owner (proprietor, possessor)
malonomia n economics
Malaisia pn Malaysia
Malavi pn Malawi
malayali pn Malayali (Malayalam)
malayu n Malay
Maldive pn Maldives
Mali pn Mali
malte n malt
maltos n maltose
Malta pn Malta
Malvina nesia pn Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
mam n bosom
mamal n mammal
mamalia n mammals (Mammalia)
man n male (man)
mania n mania (abnormally high mood and arousal level)
maniatik a manic (maniac)
manik a manly
mangan n manganese
mango n mango
mangus n mangosteen
Maninnes pn Isle of Man
manioka n cassava (manioc)
mar n horse
Marakush pn Marrakech
maraton n marathon
marche v walk (march)
Mariana nesia pn Northern Mariana Islands
Maris pn Mars
Marshal nesia pn Marshall Islands
mase v knead (massage)
masaje n massage
masturbe v masturbate
masa n mass (quantity of matter)
masi v anoint (smear)
masit n messiah
masitik a messianic
maska n mask (camouflage)
• demaska v unmask
maste v master (be an expert at sth)
master n master (expert)
master of arte n Master of Arts
master of enjeneria n Master of Engineering
master of filsofia n Master of Philosophy
master of lojia n Master of Science
master of teknolojia n Master of Technology
master ope n masterpiece
masta n mast
mat n mathematics (math)
matik a mathematical
matiste n mathematician
mate n maté
mate cha n maté tea
matras n mattress
mau n cat
max av more
maxifa v increase
maxik a major (greater)
maxim av most (maximally)
maxim n maximum
maximik a maximal
maximiza v maximize
Maya pn Maya
Mayote pn Mayotte
mayur n peafowl (peacock)
med v heal (cure, treat, remedy)
• remed v remedy (cure)
medik a medical
medik dokter n doctor (physician)
medolojia n medicine (field of study)
medal n medal
medalon n medallion
medan n field (square, plaza, maidan)
medanfobia n agoraphobia
medu n honey
medu vespa n honeybee
megagram n tonne (metric ton)
megavat n megawat (MW)
Mehiko pn Mexico
Mehiko pol pn Mexico City
mei a beautiful (handsome, pretty)
mei arte n fine arts
meifa v beautify (embellish)
meita n beauty
meitnerium n meitnerium
melodrama n melodrama
melodia n melody
melodik a melodious (melodic)
melon n muskmelon
mendelevium n mendelevium
mening n meninx (meninges)
mere n member (part of a group, component)
meronim n meronym
meranti n lauan tree (meranti, balau)
Merkur pn Mercury
mes n month
mes du n February
mes eite n August
mes faif n May
mes for n April
mes nain n September
mes seven n July
mes sixe n June
mes ten n October
mes ten du n December
mes ten un n November
mes tri n March
mes un n January
mesik a monthly
metan n methane
metanol n methanol
metil n methyl
metilamin n methylamine
metal n metal
metre v measure (measurement)
• parametre n parameter (argument, input variable)
• simmetria n symmetry
• simmetrik a symmetrical
metre bande n tape measure
metrer n meter (measuring device)
meza n table
mezastan n plateau (tableland)
mi pron I (me)
mi se poss.pron. my
midi pron we (exlusive we)
Mianma pn Myanmar (Burma)
mide n middle (the part in between)
mide noche n midnight
midia n medium (media, mass media)
midiatik a media-related
midik a medium (intermediate, mean)
mien n noodle
migre n migration (moving)
migre v move (migrate, relocate)
• exmigre v emigrate (move out)
• exmigrer n emigrant
• inmigre v immigrate (move in)
• inmigrer n immigrant
mikre a tiny (microscopic)
mikro num micro-
mikrobie n microorganism (microbe)
mikrobiolojia n microbiology
mikrofone n microphone
Mikronesia pn Micronesia
mikroskope n microscope
mikromitre n micrometer
mili num milli-
miligram n milligram
milimitre n millimeter
milke n milk
mime v mimic (imitate, emulate)
mimer n imitator (mime)
Mimas pn Mimas
min av less
mini a mini (miniature)
minifa v decrease (lessen)
minik a minor (not major)
minim av least (minimally)
minim n minimum
minimifa v minimize
minimik a minimal
minimisme n minimalism
minuria n minority
minus prep except (minus)
ming a bright (brilliant, clear)
minte n mint
mintol n menthol
minute n minute
minute diker n minute hand of the clock
mire v mirror (reflect an image)
miraje n mirage
mirer n mirror
mira v stare (watch, gaze)
• amira v admire
mirabil a wonderful (marvel, mirable)
mirakul n miracle
mirater n watcher
Miranda pn Miranda
mise v send (emit, transmit)
• exmise v emit
• konmise n commission (committee)
• promise v send forth (promise)
• remise v send back (remit)
• tramise v transmit
• tramiser n transmitter
• tramision n transmission
misaje n message
misajer n messenger
mision n mission (sending)
misioner n missionary
miskin a poor (miserable)
Misre pn Egypt
mite n tale (fiction, fable, myth)
mite v tell tales
mitaje n fallacy (illusion)
miteme n mytheme (archetypal story)
mitik a fake (fictional, fake, made up, spurious)
mitolojia n mythology (myths of a people)
mitolojia n mythology (study of myths)
mitre n meter (100 cm)
mixe v mix (blend)
mixer n mixer (blender)
mixur n mixture
mode n mode (pattern, fashion, style)
model n model (design)
modul n module
mok n wood (timber)
mole v grind (grind in mill)
molekan n mill
moler n miller
Moldova pn Moldova
mole n mole (unit)
moli n jasmine
moli hua cha n jasmine tea
moliden n molybdenum
mone money
monet n coin
Monako pn Monaco
mongol n Mongol
Mongolia pn Mongolia
monte v mount (install, fit)
• demonte v uninstall (unmount)
• rimonte v refit (overhaul)
montaje n montage
monter n installer (assembler, fitter)
monta n amount (quantity)
mor av more
mora n mora (duration, delay)
Moris pn Mauritius
morsa n walrus
mos n moss
mosik a mossy
moskovium n moscovium
Moskva pn Moscow
mot n death
mot v die
mot a dead (deceased)
mote v move (transfer, shift, stir, budge, rouse, motivate, inspire)
• demote v move away
• promote v promote (further, move forward)
• remote v move back
moter n engine (motor)
motik a kinetic
motik a mortal
motion n motion (movement)
motiv a motive
Mozambik pn Mozambique
mudan n peony
muka n face
muka fun n face powder
mum n wax
mum chape n wax seal
Mumbai pn Mumbai (Bombay)
mumu n cow
mun n doorway (opening, gate, portal)
mun kou n doorway
mungus n mongoose
muringa n moringa (drumstick tree, horseradish tree)
Muritania pn Mauritania
mus v must (have to)
mus n mousse (foam)
Mushin pn Jupiter
mushmula n medlar
mushu n mouse or rat
muskul n muscle
muskul bine n bodybuilding
musli n muesli
muta v change (alter, convert)
muta lug n changelog
mutabil a mutable
mutation n mutation (alteration)
na int well (now; used to introduce a statement)
nabe n navel
nabi v prophecy (prophesy, prophetize)
nabiter n prophet (harbinger, herald)
nadir a rare (scarce, sparse, uncommon)
nadirita n rarity
nadirli adv seldom (rarely)
nag n nail (fingernail)
nag v claw (scratch)
nain num nine (9)
najis n filth (pollution, contamination, najis)
najisik a impure (polluted, defiled, tainted)
namas v bow (honor, revere, worship, salute)
namas n salah (salat, namaz, Islamic prayer)
namas tu int namaste (salutation)
Namibia pn Namibia
nano num nano-
nanomitre n nanometer
narak n hell
narde n backgammon
narke n drug (narcotic, dope, intoxicating substance)
narkiste n drug addict
narkos n narcosis
nas n people (folk)
nasia n nation
nasial a national
• internasial a international
• polinasial a multinational
nasial sosialisme n national socialism (Nazism)
nasial sosialiste n Nazi
nasialisme n nationalism
nasialiste n nationalist
nate v be born
• rinate n rebirth (renaissance)
natal a native (natural, arising by birth)
• innatal a innate (endogenous, indigenous, inborn)
• posnatal a postnatal
• prenatal a prenatal
natestan n region of birth
natia n native country
nation n birth
natur n nature (innate characteristics)
natural a natural
natre n sodium
nau shef n captain
Nauru pn Nauru
nautil n nautilus
nav n boat (ship)
navik naval (nautical)
Nava pn Nahuatl (Nahua)
naz n nose
nazal a nasal
ne part right? (isn't it?)
Nederland pn Netherlands
NederlandAntil pn Netherlands Antilles
nefre n kidney
nefralgia n nephralgia (pain of the kidneys)
nefrextomia n nefrectomy
nefritis n nephritis
nega v deny (negate)
• denega v deny (refuse, reject, turn away)
negativ a negative
nekre n corpse (dead body)
nekrofilia n nechrophilia
nekrolog n obituary (necrology)
nekrolug n necrology (register of people who have died)
nekropol n necropolis
nekrotomia n autopsy (necrotomy)
nem a wet (damp, moist, humid)
nen n year
nen feste n anniversary
nen mes den n date
neodimium n neodymium
neon n neon
Nepal pn Nepal
Neptun pn Neptune
neptunium n neptunium
nere n African locust bean (neto tree)
nes n island
nesia n archipelago (island chain)
net n nexus (web, network)
• konnet v connect
• dekonnet v disconnect
• konneter n connector
• konnetion n connection
net lok n website
neure n nerve
neuralgia n neuralgia (nerve pain)
neurik a neural
neuritis n neuritis (inflammantion of nerves)
neuropatia n neuropathy
neurotoxe n neurotoxin
neuron n neuron
Nevis pn Nevis
nido n nest (hive, den)
Nigeria pn Nigeria
Nijer pn Niger
Nikaragua pn Nicaragua
nikel n nickel
nil a purple (violet, indigo)
nilon n nylon
nim n name
• paranim n paronym
nim lexe n noun
nim tike n nametag
nimiza v call (name)
niobium n niobium
Nipon pn Japan
niponium n nihonium
nirban v extinguish (put out, quench)
nirban n nirvana
nishe n niche (recess, alcove)
nitre n nitrogen
nitrate n nitrate
nitril n nitrile
Niue pn Niue
no av not (no)
no tem pron never
no ting pron nothing
no von pron nobody (no-one)
nobelium n nobelium
noche n night
noche mode n night mode
noche nem n dew
node n knot (node)
node v tie a knot
nodul n nodule (small lump)
nome n rule (regulation)
nome v regulate (manage)
nomia n management (regulation, -nomy)
nomolojia n nomology (study of rules)
norde n north
Norde Chosen pn North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea)
Norde Eire pn Northern Ireland
Norde Kipris pn Northen Cyprus
Norde Makedonia pn Republic of North Macedonia
Norfolke nese pn Norfolk Island
Norge pn Norway
norme n norm (standard)
normal a normal
• paranormal a paranormal
nostalgia n nostalgia (longing)
nostalgik a nostalgic
note n note (observation, remark, comment)
note v note (observe, notice)
note buk n notebook
notiza v notify
nou v know
noukratia n noocracy
noulojia n noology
noumen n noumenon
nousfere n noosphere
nov a new (recent)
nov lexe n neologism
novaje n novelty (new product)
Nove Kaledonia pn New Caledonia
Nove Zelande pn New Zealand
novik n novice (newbie)
novita n newness
novonatik a newborn (neonatal)
nude a naked (bare, nude)
nudisme n nudism
nudiste n nudist
nuka n neck
nume n number (quantity)
nume v count (enumerate)
numerik a digital (relating to numbers)
nun aux now (present tense marker)
nuton n newton (N)
o n or
Oberon pn Oberon
ode n ode (verse)
of prep of (from, since)
oganeson n oganesson
okei v okay (acceptance; accept, say okay)
okeibil a acceptable
Olande nesia pn Aland Islands
Oman pn Oman
ope v work (opus)
oper n worker
operate v operate (carry out)
operation n operation
opera n opera
oposum n opossum
or n ear
oritis n otitis
orgasme n orgasm
orgen n organ (pipe organ)
orgeniste n organist
orkide n orchid
Orom pn Oromo (an Ethiopian ethnic group)
Oromia pn Oromia
Oseania pn Oceania
oselot n ocelot
osmium n osmium
Osman pn Ottoman
Osman imperia pn Ottoman Empire
Ostria pn Austria
ote v opt (prefer, choose)
otime n optimum
otimal a optimal
otimisme n optimism
otimiste n optimist
otion n option (preference)
otional a optional
ove n egg
oval a oval
oxe n oxygen
oxide n oxide
pa n father (dad, papa)
pai n pie (pastry)
pake v pack
pake n pack (package)
• depake v unpack
pakaje n package
paket n packet
Pakistan pn Pakistan
paladium n palladium
Palau pn Palau
palma n palm tree
pan a every (all)
pandemik a pandemic
Pandunia pn Pandunia
panduniste n Pandunia speaker
panmime n pantomime
Panama pn Panama
panda n panda
panir n quark (paneer)
Panjab pn Punjabi
pante n pants (trousers)
pantet n panties (knickers)
papagai n parrot (parakeet)
papata n potato
papaya n papaya
Papua Nove Ginia pn Papua New Guinea
par n even (equal, level, peer)
• repar v repair (restore)
par bei n peer
parita n equality (parity)
parokratia n republic
parokratik a republican (of a republic)
parokratisme n republicanism
parokratiste n republican (supporter or republicanism)
Paraguai pn Paraguay
parda n curtain (screen)
pari n fairy (faery)
pari mite n fairy tale
paristan n fairyland
Paris pn Paris
parke n park
parte n piece (chip, fragment, shred, morsel, crumb, shard)
partaner n partner
partaneria n partnership
partativ n partitive case
partekul n particle
partesepe v participate (attend, partake, take part)
parteseper n participant
partia n party (faction, side)
pase v pass (not act, cede one's turn, etc.)
pasiv a passive (inactive)
pasivita n passivity
pasa v pass (go through or past)
pasa dau n pass (passage)
pasa lexe n password
pasabil a passable (that may be passed)
• anpasabil a impassable (unpassable)
pasaporte n passport
paskal n pascal (Pa)
pate v suffer (be hurt, be ill)
• konpate v suffer together
• konpatia n compassion (feeling together)
• simpate v sympathize (feel for)
• simpatia n sympathy (feeling the same)
pategener n pathogen
patekan n hospital
patelojia n pathology
patik a ill (sick)
patik n patient (subject of medical treatment)
pata n path (track, trail)
paus n pause (break, interruption)
paxi n bird
pede v bring up (educate, raise)
pedofilia n pedophilia
pedofobia n pedophobia
pele v drive
• apele v appeal (drive to oneself)
• depele v drive away
• dispele v dispel (disperse, drive asunder)
• expele v expel (drive out)
• inpele v impel (drive into)
• kompele v drive together
• propele v propel (drive forward)
• propeler n propeller
• repel v repel (drive back)
pena n foam (froth, spume)
pena gom n foam rubber
pende v hang (dangle)
pendul n pendulum
penis n penis (phallus)
pente n paint
pente v paint (cover in paint)
pente brosh n paintbrush
penter n painter
pentagon n pentagon
pentahedre n pentahedron (prism)
perdon int sorry (pardon)
peroxide n peroxide
pera n pear
Peru pn Peru
pesa n money
peta num peta-
petre n rock
pianiste n pianisti
piano n piano
pide n fart (flatulence)
pijin n pidgin (contact language)
pil n skin (peel, rind, leather)
• depil v peel
pil kesh n hair of the skin
pilau n pilaf (pulao)
piman n pepper (capsicum)
piman fun n paprika
pin n needle (pin, splinter, prickle, thorn, stinger, spine, quill)
pinguin n penguin
pinse v pinch
pinser n pliers (pincers)
pinset v pinch
pinseter n tweezers
pipe n pipe (tobacco pipe)
pipa n lute
pipa frute n loquat
pipal n pepper (peppercorn)
pipal minte n peppermint
piram n pyramid
pirat v hijack
pirat partia n Pirate Party
pirater n pirate (corsair, sea robber)
pirateria n piracy
piratiste n pirate (one who disobeys intellectual property laws)
pish n fish
pisha v piss (urinate)
pisha n piss (urine)
piste n pestle
pistil n pistil
piston n piston
Pitkerne nesia pn Pitcairn Islands
piza n pizza
pizaria n pizzeria
ple n fold (layer)
plan v intend (plan)
plan n plan (blueprint, road map)
planet n planet
• explanet n exoplanet
planetik a planetary
plasma n plasma (ionized gas)
plaste v mold (shape)
plastik n plastic
plastik a plastic (moldable, malleable)
platin n platinum
Platon pn Plato
platonik a Platonic
platonisme n Platonism
platoniste n Platonist
pleye v play (play back)
pleyer n player (electronic playback device)
plis int please
plis v ask (request, beg, plead)
plis n request (petition)
plis kom v invite
plod v blow up
• aplod v applaud
• explod v explode (blow up)
• explodiv a explosive
• implod v implode (collapse)
plot n plot (intrigue, scheme)
• komplot n conspiracy
plumbe n lead
Pluton pn Pluto (dwarf planet)
plutonium n plutonium
pol n city (town)
pol gogia n city state
polet n small town
polia n urban state
polik a urban
poli num many (much, more than one)
polibashik a multilingual
poligon n polygon
polihedre n polyhedron
polikulturisme n multiculturalism
Polinesia pn Polynesia
polirangik colourful
polistiren n polystyrene
polistiren pena n styrofoam
polis n police
polit n politics (administration)
politik a political (administrative)
politiste n politician (administrator, statesman)
politolojia n political science (politology)
Polsk pn Poland
polskium n polonium
pompe v pump
pompe tape n piston
poncho n poncho
pop n common people (folk, population)
pop muzik n pop music
popul n population
popul n common people (folk, population)
populal a popular
populik a public
populisme n populism
populiste n populist
populiza v populate
• depopuliza v depopulate
populos a populous
porno n porn
pornografia n pornography
porte n port (station, harbor)
porta v carry (bear)
• exporta v export
• suporta v support
• teleporta v teleport
• traporta v transport
portabil a portable
Portoriko pn Puerto Rico
Portugal pn Portugal
portugal bash n Portuguese language
pos prep after (later in time or space)
poste n mail
poste v mail (send by mail)
poste chape n postal stamp
poste marke n postmark (postage stamp)
postekan n post office
pote n pot (vase, bin, jar)
poter n potter
poteria n pottery
poze v pose (set; position)
• depoze v remove (delete, dispose, erase)
• expoze v expose (put out)
• inpoze v enter (insert, put in)
• inpoze v put in (impose)
• konpozaje n component
• pospoze v put back (postpone, delay)
• pospozaje n postposition
• prepoze v prepone (put earlier)
• prepozaje n preposition
• propoze v propose (put forth; proposal, suggestion)
prate n practice (actuality)
pratik a practical (pragmatic)
prazedimium n praseodymium
pre prep before (earlier in time or space)
prende v take (pick)
• aprende v
• deprende v take away
• komprende v comprehend (gather)
prese n press (pressure)
prese v press (squeeze)
• deprese v depress (push away)
• exprese v express (push out)
• komprese v compress (squeeze, squish)
• represe v repress (push back)
preser n press device
pro prep toward (forward)
protestantisme n Protestantism
protestantiste n Protestant
problema n problem (issue)
prometium n promethium
propan propane
propanon propanone
proton n proton
protatinium n protactinium
prova v prove (demonstrate to be viable)
prova n proof
• aprova v approve
• deprova v disapprove
provabil a probable
puding n pudding
puja v worship (adore; reveration, veneration)
puja meza n altar
pujakan n temple (shrine, place of worship)
puma n cougar (puma, mountain lion)
punte n point (period, full stop)
pupe n doll (figurine)
purpur a purple (magenta, fuchsia)
pute v reckon (calculate, put into a certain relation, state or condition)
• expute v output
• inpute v input
• kompute v compute (reckon together)
• komputer n computer
• komputerik a digital (relating to computers)
putau n grape
rabanda n rhubarb
rade n ray
radium n radium
radio n radio
radon n radon
rai v deem (opine, think that)
rai n opinion (view)
• disrai v disagree
• disraition n disagreement (disconsent)
rakun n raccoon
ramazan pn Ramadan
rande n plane (tool for making a smooth surface)
rang n color
rapide a fast (quick, rapid, speedy)
rapidita n speed (velocity, rapidity)
rase n race (breed)
rasisme n racism
rasiste n racist
raze v shave (scrape, raze)
razer n razor (shaving instrument)
re adv back (return it to previous place)
Rea pn Rhea
reje v reign
rejal a royal (regal)
rejer n king or queen
rejia n kingdom
rejime n regime
rema n rheme (comment)
renium n rhenium
rentgenium n roentgenium
ret a right (direct, straight)
• koret a correct
• koretion n correction
retifa v straighten (rectify)
retogon n right angle
retogonik a orthogonal (perpendicular)
Reunion pn Réunion
Rhen pn Rhine
ri adv again (repeatedly)
ribes n currant
rim n rhyme (verse)
ring n ring
ritme n rhythm (beat)
riv n river (stream)
robot n robot (bot)
rod a red
rodium n rhodium
roke v rock (sway, tilt)
rol n role
rom n rum
Roma pn Rome
Romania pn Romania
rota n wheel
rota v rotate (spin)
rotator n rotor (rotator)
Ruanda pn Rwanda
rubium n rubidium
rugbi n rugby
ruhu n soul (mind, psyche)
ruhulojia n psychology
ruhutik a psychic (mental)
rule n roll (scroll, coil)
rul kol n cabbage
rulet n roulette
Rundi pn Burundi
rus bash n Russian language
rus krepe n blini
Rusia pn Russia
rusium n ruthenium
rut v route (path, trail, course, itinerary)
• derut v stray (deviate, go off course)
• derutik a stray (deviant)
rutin v routine (habit)
rutiza v route (set on course)
rutizater n router
ruterfordium n rutherfordium
sabab n reason (cause)
sabi v know how
sabinte a competent (skillful)
sablu n sand
sablu burge n sandcastle
sablustan n desert
sabote v sabotage
sabotaje n sabotage
sabun n soap
sade a plain (ordinary, unadorned, simple, mere, pure)
safar v travel (voyage, trip)
safarer n traveler
safi a clean (pure)
safi v clean (purify)
• ansafi a dirty
safiter n cleaner
safita n cleanliness (purity)
sagu n sago palm
sagu fun n sago
Sahara Gogia pn Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic
sahi a right (correct, accurate)
sahib n comrade (companion)
sake n bag (sack)
sal int hello (hi)
sal a healthy (well-being)
sal go int farewell
sal kom int welcome!
sal noche int good night
sal suba int good morning
sal yam int bon appetit!
salam int salaam
salita n well-being (prosperity)
salade n salad
salim n submission (surrender)
salmon n salmon (trout)
Salvador pn El Salvador
sama n sky (heaven)
sama blu a light blue (sky blue, azure)
samarium n samarium
samban n skiff (sampan)
Samoa pn Samoa
san n manufacturing (production, industry)
saner n maker (manufacturer)
saniv a productive (fertile)
sankan n factory
sante a holy (sacred)
sante ging n holy writ (sacred writings)
Sante Helena pn Saint Helena
Sante Kristofor pn Saint Kitts
Sante Kristofor e Nevis pn Saint Kitts and Nevis
Sante Lucia pn Saint Lucia
Sante Marino pn San Marino
Sante Tome e Principe pn Sao Tome and Principe
Sante Vincente e Grenadin pn Saint Vincent and Grenadines
santita n holiness (sanctity)
sanviche n sandwich
sari n sari
Saudi Arabia pn Saudi Arabia
sauna n sauna
saur n lizard
saya n shadow
se prep possessive postposition (’s)
sef pron self (reflexive pronoun)
sele n advice (counsel, recommendation)
sele v counsel (advise)
• konsele v give consultation
• konseler n counselor (consultant)
selenium n selenium
sem v mean (signify)
• polisemik a ambiguous (polysemous)
• unsemik a unambiguous
semem n sememe
semfer n semaphore
semolojia n semantics
semen n cement
sen a older (elder, senior, superior)
senbei n senior fellow (senpai)
senile a senile (decrepit)
Senegal pn Senegal
senti num centi- (per cent)
sentimitre n centimeter (cm)
sento num hundred (hecto-, 100)
sentre n center
Sentrafrika pn Central African Republic
sentral a central
ser n link (ring in a chain)
seria n series (sequence, succession)
serser n chain
Seraleon pn Sierra Leone
Serbia pn Serbia
serpe n snake (serpent)
serve v serve (give service)
serve n service
server n server (host machine)
server n servant
serva v keep (retain, spare)
• konservatisme n conservatism
• reserva n reservation (booking, withholding)
• reserva v reserve (book)
• reservatia n reservation (reserved tract of land)
servater n keeper (preserver)
sese v pass (go)
• asese v access (admission; reach)
• asesebil a accessible (within reach)
• desese v pass away (die; deceased)
• exsese v exceed (go beyond the limits)
• exsesiv a excessive
• presese v precede (pass before)
• prosese v process (proceed, go forward)
• proseser v processor
• resese v recede (retreat)
• susese v succeed (go well, prosper)
sesam n sesame
Seshel nesia pn Seychelles
seven num seven (7)
sexe n sex
sexik a sexy (sexually arousing)
sexolojia n sexology
shaka n suspect (doubt; suspicion)
shakal n jackal
shal v let (shall, marker of imperative)
shalgam n turnip
shali n scarf (shawl)
sham n evening
shaman n shaman
shampan pn Champagne
shampan vin n champagne
shan n mountain (hill)
Shanghai pn Shanghai
shani pn Saturn
sharia n shariah
shara n saw
shara fun n sawdust
sharakan n sawmill
sharir n relic (remains, corpse)
sharte n condition (requirement)
shatan n devil (Satan)
shatanik a devilish (satanic)
shatanisme n Satanism (devil worship)
shataniste n Satanist
shayu n shark
shef n chief (boss)
shefik a main (principal)
sherte n shirt
shifu n sensei (shifu, martial arts master)
shigu n accident (mishap)
shik a elegant (chic)
shim n heart
shir n poem
shirer n poet
shirop n syrup
shish n skewer (spit, broach)
shish kabab n shish kebab (shashlik)
shit n feces (poop, shit)
shit v defecate (shit)
Shiva pn Shiva
shofe v drive (steer)
shofer n chauffeur (driver)
shoke n shock (collision)
shou v show (display, exhibition, demonstration, demo)
shud v should (ought)
shukre v be grateful (acknowledge)
shukria n gratitude
shuli v repair (fix, mend)
shuliter n repairer
shuru n beginning (start, commencement, onset)
shut n skill (art, craft)
si art Mx. (Mr. or Ms.)
si v see (look, view, watch)
si Fulan pn what's-his-name
si yu int see you (goodbye)
Sibir pn Siberia
siborgium n seaborgium
sifa n attribute (charasteristic, quality, feature, description, property)
sifa lexe n adjective
sifativ a descriptive
sigar n cigar
sigaret n cigarette
sil n silk
sil larva n silkworm
silike n silicon
sim a same (equal, alike, match)
simal a similar
simbei n peer
simple a simple (not complicated)
simplifa v simplify
simulate v simulate
simulation n simulation
simulator n simulator
sina n chest (breast)
singa n lion
Singapur pn Singapore
sir a secret (hidden)
sirke n circle
siro num zero (none)
sis n sister
siste v set (settle)
• asiste v attend
• persiste v persist
• resiste v resist (oppose, stand against)
• resistentia n resistance
• resistion n resistance (resisting)
sita v quote (cite)
sita marke n quotation mark
sivil a civil (civilized)
sivilia n civilization
siviliza v civilize
sivilta n civility
sixe num six (6)
sixegon n hexagon
sixehedre n hexahedron (cube)
skandium n scandium
skema n scheme (model, outline, pattern, schema)
skematike a schematic
ski n ski
skope n scope (viewer)
Skotia pn Scotland
skran n screen
skute v scoot (ride a scooter, move while sitting)
skuter n scooter
Slovakia pn Slovakia
Slovenia pn Slovenia
sofia n wisdom
sofa n sofa (couch)
soldat n mercenary
Solomon nesia pn Solomon Islands
solu v undo (loosen sth that interlocks, solve)
som pron some
som tem pron sometime
som ting pron something
som von pron someone (somebody)
Somal pn Somalia
Somal Landia pn Somaliland
son n sound (audio)
• reson n echo
son lug n sound recording
sonik a sonic
sona n sleep
sona v sleep
• ansonatisme n insomnia
• dussona n nightmare
sona kamre n bedroom
sonativ a sleepy
sonda n probe (sonde)
sonda v probe (explore)
sor n sun
sor energia n solar energy
sor hua n sunflower
sor sistem n solar system
sori int sorry
sori v be sorry (feel sorry)
• resori v regret (repent)
sorte n sort (kind, variety)
sosia n society (association)
sosial a social
sosialisme n socialism
sosialiste n socialist
sosa n sauce
sosis n sausage
Soto pn Lesotho
soya n soy bean
spagul n psyllium (ispaghula)
speta v watch (spectate, observe)
• aspeta v aspect (viewpoint)
• despeta v look away from (despise, disregard)
• inspeta v inspect (check, examine, look into)
• inspetatro v introspection
• respeta v look back at (respect)
spetakul n spectacle (show)
spetater n watcher (spectator, observer)
sponje n sponge
sporte n sport (athletics)
sporter n athlete (sportsman)
sportiv a sporty
sta v be (be located, stay)
stabil a stable
stabilita n stability
stabiliza v stabilize
statik a static (stationary, still)
stan n tract (land, ground, region)
stanium n tin
statik grafe n film frame (still)
stibium n antimony
strontium n strontium
stru v build
• destru v destroy (destruct)
• konstru v construct (put together)
• konstrution n construction
strutur n structure
strutural a structural
stude v study (work in order to practise or demonstrate)
stude n study (work made in order to practise or demonstrate)
studekan n studio
studer n student
suahili pn Swahili
sual n question (query, inquiry)
sual v ask (question, inquire)
Sualbarde pn Svalbard
Suati pn Eswatini (Swaziland)
suba n morning (dawn)
sud n south
Sud Amerika pn South America
Sudafrika pn South Africa
Sude Chosen pn South Korea (Republic of Korea)
Sude Iria (Alonia) pn South Ossetia (Alania)
Sude Jorjia e Sude Sanduiche nesia pn South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
Sude Sudan pn South Sudan
sudik a southern
Sudan pn Sudan
Suen pn Sweden
Suise pn Switzerland
suka v like (enjoy, be fond of)
suka a nice (liked, agreeable, pleasant)
sukar n sugar
sulfe n sulfur (brimstone)
sulfate n sulfate
sulfide n sulfide
sulfite n sulfite
sume v take
• asume v assume (take on)
• konsume v consume (take up)
• konsumer n consumer
• konsumion n consumption
• konsumisme n consumerism
• presume v assume (take before the fact)
suma n sum (total)
sumation n summation
Suomi pn Finland
super hero n superhero
supa n soup (stew)
supa chamcha n tablespoon
supa mien n ramen (soup noodles)
Suria pn Syria
Surinam pn Suriname
surinam bash n Sranan Tongo
sushi n sushi
sushiya n sushi restaurant
sutiv a skillful (crafty, dexterous)
T-sherte n T-shirt
tabake n tobacco
table n slab (slate, tablet, board)
tablet komputer n tablette computer
tafun n storm (tempest, typhoon, hurricane, cyclone)
Tai pn Thailand
Tai bash n Thai language
Taibei pn Taipei
taiga n taiga
Taivan pn Taiwan (Republic of China)
Tajiki pn Tajikistan
talium n thallium
tama a greedy
tamar n date fruit
Tamil pn Tamil
tanke n tank (armored vehicle)
tanki n tank (reservoir)
tantalium n tantalum
tanur n oven (furnace)
Tanzania pn Tanzania
tape v plug (put a plug on)
tape n stopper (cap, peg, plug, spigot, tap)
• antape v unplug (uncork)
tapon n tampon
tara v discard (throw away)
tara n tare
tarif n tarif (tax, duty)
tasa n bowl (cup, dish)
tatu n tattoo
tava n frying pan (skillet)
taxe n order (arrangement)
• sintaxe n syntax
taxonomia n taxonomy
taxi n taxi (cab)
taxi metrer n taximeter
taxi shofer n taxi driver (cab driver)
taza a fresh
tef n lovegrass (teff)
tege n brick
tegine n tajine
tegul n tile
tehnetium n technetium
tekne n technique (technology)
teknik a technical
teknokratia n technocracy
teknolojia n technology (study of techniques)
tele a far
telefone n telephone
telefone nume n telephone number
telefonia n telephony (telephone communication)
teleskope n telescope
televizion n television
Telugu pn Telugu
telurium n tellurium
tem n time (instance, occurrence, number of times)
tem n time (moment in time)
tema n topic (subject, theme)
tema v be about
ten num ten (10)
ten du num twelve
ten un num eleven
tene v hold (keep, grasp)
• detene v detain (arrest, hold under custody)
• distene v hold apart
• intene v contain (include; content)
• kontene v contain (hold together)
• kontener n container
• retene v retain (hold back)
• sutene v sustain
• sutener n souteneur (pimp)
ten kilo num ten thousand
tende a tight (stretched, tense)
tende v stretch
• extende v extend (reach out)
• extendia n extent
tendon n tendon
tenesium n tennessine
tenis n tennis
tere v fear (fright, terror)
• detere v deter (scare away)
terifik a terrifying (terrible)
terifa v terrify
terur n terror
terurisme n terrorism
teruriste n terrorist
teruriza v terrorize
tera num tera-
terbium n terbium
terme n temperature
• hipotermia n hypothermia
termal a thermal
termometrer n thermometer
tesla n tesla (T)
testa v test (challenge, trial)
• atesta v attest (affirm by trial)
• kontesta v contest (challenge)
• protesta v protest (challenge for)
• protestante n protestant
Tetis pn Tethys
tez n argument (thesis)
• hipotez n hypothesis
• hipotezik a hypothetical
• sintez n synthesis
• sintezik a synthetic
tik (-ik) a suffix that forms an adjective relating to the kind or nature of a person or an object (-like, -ish, -ic, -ical, -y)
tike n slip (shred, tikka)
tiket n tag (ticket, label, slip, note)
tim n team
Timor pn Timor
ting n thing
tip n type (model)
• pretip n pretype (preliminary type)
• prototip n prototype
• prototipik a prototypical (being a prototype)
tipi n tipi (teepee)
Titan pn Titan
Titania pn Titania
titanium n titanium
tiv (-iv) a tending to (-ive)
tiz a intensive (depending on context: brisk, sharp, acrid, strong, fast, quick, loud)
to prep to (toward, for)
Togo pn Togo
tok v talk (converse)
Tokyo pn Tokyo
tolera v tolerate (bear, endure, stand, put up with)
• antolerabil a intolerable (unbearable)
tolerabil a tolerable (passable)
tome v split (dissect)
• antomebil a indivisible
• biotomia n vivisection
• dutomia n dichotomy
• tritomia n trichotomy
tomografe n tomogram
tomografia n tomography
tomato n tomato
tone n tone (firmness)
• hipotonia n hypotonia
• katatonia n catatonia
tona n tone (note, pitch, shade)
• protona v accent (stress, emphasis; accentuate, emphasize)
tonation n intonation
tong n barrel (can, cask)
Tonga pn Tonga
tope n tract (land, ground)
• dustopia n dystopia
• eutopia n utopia
topografia n topography
tor n tower
torium n thorium
toxe n poison (venom)
toxelojia n toxicology
toxik a toxic (poisonous, venomous)
tra prep through
tragikomik a tragicomic
tragikomodia n tragicomedy
tragik a grave (tragic)
tragodia n tragedy
tram n tram (streetcar)
tram halte n tram stop (streetcar stop)
Tranistria pn Transnistria
trape v climb stairs
trape n stairs (ladder)
trate v drag (haul, tow, trail)
• atrate v attract
• atrativ a attractive
• distrate v distract (pull apart)
• distrativ a distractive
• extrate v extract (draw out)
• extrater n extractor
trator n tractor
tren n train
tren halte n train stop
tri num three (3)
tridante n trident
trigon n triangle
trigonmetria n trigonometry
triple a triple (threefold)
tribu n share (contribution)
• atribu v do one's share
• kontribu v contribute
• kontribution n contribution (contributing)
• retribu v retribute (repay, recompense, compensate)
Trinita e Tobago pn Trinidad and Tobago
Triton pn Triton
Tsuana pn Botswana
tu pron you (singular)
tu se poss.pron. your
tual n towel
tube n tube (pipe)
tubul n tubule
tuk v spit
tukan n toucan
Tule pn Thule
tulium n thulium
tulpan n tulip
tuna n tuna
tundra n tundra
tundra shan n fell
tunel n tunnel
tunel tren n subway (metro)
tung n tung tree
Tunis pn Tunisia
tur n tour (cycle, circuit)
tur v tour (go around, rove)
turbande n turban
turisme n tourism
turiste n tourist
turbe v whirl
• disturbe v stir (disturb)
turbin n turbine
turbulentia n turbulence
turfa n peat
turke n Turk
turke bash n Turkish langage
Turkia pn Turkey
Turkomenstan pn Turkmenistan
tuta n mulberry
Tuvalu pn Tuvalu
tuzi n rabbit (hare)
uhu int boo-hoo (alas, woe)
uhu v cry (weep)
Ukraina pn Ukraine
umami a savory (umami)
Umbriel pn Umbriel
umre n age
umrik a aged
un num one (1)
un tem av once (one time)
unaje n unit (measurement)
unduratik a continuous (analog)
unes n unity
unia n union
unifite a unified
unifa v unite (merge, integrate, unify)
unik a only (single, sole, lone, just)
unime a first (number one)
unit a united
Unit Arabe Amiria (UAA) pn United Arab Emirates
Unit Statia of Amerika (USA) pn United States of America (USA)
unrangik a monochrome
unabi n jujube
Uran pn Uranus
uranium n uranium
urdu pn Urdu
Urdun pn Jordan
Uruguai pn Uruguay
Urushalem pn Jerusalem
uze v use (employ, apply)
uzebil a usable (available)
uzer n user
Uzbeki pn Uzbekistan
va int wow! (gee!)
vafle n waffle
vahi n oasis
vain n wine
vaineria n winery
vait a white
vakil v represent
vakiler n representative (proxy, agent, deputy)
vakiliza v delegate (deputize, entrust)
valen n whale
Valis e Futuna nesia pn Wallis and Futuna Islands
valse n waltz
valu n value (worth)
valuta n currency
valve n valve (tap, faucet)
vampir n vampire
van v want (desire, wish)
vanadium n vanadium
vanila n vanilla
vant n wind
Vanuatu pn Vanuatu
vape n steam (vapor)
vape ban n steamed bun
vape nave n steamboat
vaper n steam engine
varanda n veranda (balcony, terrace, porch)
Vashington DC pn Washington DC
vat pron what (which)
vat plas pron where (in which place)
vat tem pron when (at what time)
vat ting pron what (what thing)
vat tip pron what kind of
vat vei pron how (in what way)
vat von pron which person (which one)
Vatikan pn Holy See (Vatican City State)
vava v weep (cry)
vege n vegetable
veganisme n veganism
veganiste n vegan
vela n veil
• devela v unveil (reveal, uncover)
Venezuela pn Venezuela
ver a true (real, genuine, indeed, very)
vermut n vermouth
verse v turn toward (direct, flip; versus)
• deverse v avert
• disversiv a diverse
• konverse v converse (turn back and forth)
• perverse v pervert (twist; perverse)
• reverse v reverse (invert, direct back; backwards)
• extraversiv a extrovert (outgoing)
• intraversiv a introvert
• kontraversion n controversy
version n version (variation, edition)
vespe n bee or wasp
vi pron we
vi se poss.pron. our
vide lug n video recording
Viet pn Viet Nam
viet bash n Vietnamese language (Viet)
viki n wiki
vikipedia n wikipedia
vil aux will (future tense marker)
vinil n vinyl
vir n macho man
virik a brave
viril a virile
virge a pristine (virginal)
virge n virgin (Virgo)
Virgin nesia pn Virgin Islands, US
vise v substitute (replace)
vise n vice (deputy, alternative, substitute, replacement)
Vishnu pn Vishnu
viski n whisky (whiskey)
vitamin n vitamin
vize v look (see)
• disvize v distinguish
• disvizebil a distinct (noticeably different)
• travizebil a transparent (see-through, clear)
• antravizebil a opaque
vizebil a visible
vizion n vision (seeing, sight)
viza n visa
vode v promise (pledge)
vode n promise (vow, oath)
vodu n voodoo
voka v call (voice; summon)
• exvoka v evoke (call out)
• invoka v invoke
• provoka v provoke
• provokation n provocation
• provokativ a provocative
• revoka v revoke (call back)
volfram n tungsten (wolfram)
Volof pn Wolof (language and people)
volta n volt (V)
von pron one (you, impersonal pronoun)
vote n vote (ballot)
vote v vote (cast a vote)
vu n military life
vudau n budo
vudaukan n budokan (martial art gymnasium)
vushut n martial art
vusi n warrior (knight, samurai)
vusi dau n bushido (military way or code)
vud v would
vun n luck (fortune)
wat n watt
xenon n xenon
xilitol n xylitol
xilos n xylose (wood sugar)
yahud a Jewish
yahudisme n Judaism
yak n yak
yam v consume (ingest, eat or drink)
yama n flax (linen)
yang a yang (positive, bright, living, hard, masculine)
yang gik n anode
yang ion n cation
Yapetus pn Iapetus
yatim n orphan
yatimkan n orphanage
yau v need (lack, require)
yautik a necessary (needed)
• anyautik a unnecessary (extraneous, unneeded)
ye av yes
yek v exchange (replace, trade, swap)
Yek Ging pn I Ching (the Book of Changes)
yel a yellow
Yemen pn Yemen
yep n leaf (sheet)
yep kol n kale
yes av yes
Yesa pn Jesus
Yesa Masit pn Jesus Christ
yim a yin (negative, dark, ghostly, soft, feminine)
yim gik n cathode
yim ion n anion
yim yang n yin-yang
yoga n yoga
yogurte n yogurt
yok n jade
yota num yotta-
you a infantile (juvenile, immature)
you jen n infant (child)
you nen n childhood years
yu pron you all
yu se poss.pron. your
yumi pron we (inclusive we)
yun fem n girl (young woman)
yurta n yurt (ger)
yuterbium n ytterbium
yutrium n yttrium
zai v exist
zai a present (existing)
zaifa v actualize
zaitun n olive
zaman n time (stretch of time, period, era, epoch, term)
Zambia pn Zambia
zar n hazard (chance)
zar kube n die (dice)
zarik a random
zebra n zebra
zeta num zetta-
zi n character (written symbol)
Zimbabue pn Zimbabwe
zina n adultery (infidelity)
zinke n zinc
zip v zip up
ziper n zipper (zip)
zira n cumin (jeera)
zirafa n giraffe
zirkonium n zirconium
zombi n zombie
zona n belt (zone)
zona herpes n shingles (herpes zoster)
zukam n cold (illness)
Zukra pn Venus
zulme v oppress (bully)
zulmer n oppressor (tyrant, despot, dictator)
zulmia n tyranny (despotism)
zulmita n cruelty
zulmiv a oppressive (despotic, tyrannical, cruel)
Zulu pn Zulu